Saturday, April 24, 2021

Book #89: "Cometh the Hour"

And the hits just keep on coming! My "Come now, Spud Jr." moment was on page 84, whereon lies the most ridiculous narrative left turn thus far. I was hoping it might get better, but I hoped in vain, as (in agonizingly slow succession) Archer introduces a love interest for a character, has the couple get engaged, then promptly bumps one of them off; has one character be accused of two separate and patently ludicrous crimes; reunites a character with his long-lost love (and absurdly precocious child) without so much as a conversation between the two; has another character fake a pregnancy for money; resolves the Russian writer story line with much more of a whimper than a bang; and oh by the way, Emma's now best friends with MARGARET THATCHER. This does not even get into the "brilliant" concept introduced in the epilogue, which could definitively resolve the whole conundrum of Harry's parentage, yet somehow has occurred to NO ONE prior to this, despite the item belonging to the family business THE ENTIRE TIME.

At this point I'm sorely tempted to give up, but there's only one book left and frankly I'm being driven by morbid curiosity as much as anything. So I'll stick it out, even though I'll probably regret it.

Author: Jeffrey Archer

Potentially objectionable content: language, adult them

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