Friday, January 10, 2014

In the beginning...

I can't remember learning how to read.

It's true. I remember lots of other things, but though many of my earliest recollections have books in them, I don't remember learning to read them. I've always assumed that I was simply born with that skill. And all my life I have used and developed it, inhaling virtually every word I saw. In short, I read more than anyone you have ever met. Probably more than any twelve people you have ever met.

Nearly four years ago, I moved back in with my parents for what was supposed to be a short time. They didn't have room for my ever-expanding library, and so it went into storage. Two months ago, I finally moved into my current residence. One week ago, the books were shelved, cataloged and counted. And let me tell you, they are glorious to behold.

The most common reaction to seeing my library for the first time (after "WOW.") is to ask: "Have you read all of these?" And the answer is: "Not yet." I aim to fix that. Starting tomorrow, I will read the entire collection, from A to Z. All 936 titles. And chronicle what is sure to be a life-altering experience, right here in this very spot. Come along for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I am so glad you are blogging! I am totally coming along on this ride!
