Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Book #58: "Peter Pan"

When people find out you love to read, they frequently ask a perfectly well-meaning but horrifically difficult question: "What is your favorite book?"

I used to hate this question and all its variants ("What's your favorite movie?" "What's your favorite band?" "What's your favorite food?"). Over the years I have given several different responses, which include but are not limited to: "Oh, I have no idea-too many to choose from"; "How much time do you have?"; and, occasionally, the title of the book I was currently reading. (I also gave some thought to snapping back, "Which is your favorite child?" or whining hyperdramatically, "Why do I have to CHOOOOOOSE?!"

But several years ago, one of my roommates was graduating and moving back to India. I wanted to give her a gift, and (selfishly, I admit) I wanted that gift to remind her of me. So I thought to myself, "Self, if you were a book, what book would you be?" And the answer that immediately came to mind was this one.

I have read this book more times than I can actually remember. It was the first book I ever gave my first niece. And it is now, and most likely always will be, my answer to the question: "What is your favorite book?"

Author: J.M. Barrie

Potentially objectionable content: Battle scenes and an attempted poisoning

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