Sunday, July 6, 2014

I'm Going to Disneyland!

Well, actually I already went. I'm currently consigned to the modern version of Dante's first circle of hell: hanging out in the airport. (Considering I'm in Las Vegas, it could probably qualify as either four or eight also. Your call.)

Anyway, I have a couple of titles to write up, and I'll be getting to those shortly. But this was my first trip to Disneyland in almost twenty years, and as such I thought you might be interested in the various things I learned.

1) There are bubbles EVERYWHERE. The first time you see them, you are taken by surprise. The next time, you figure out that about 1 in 10 people has purchased a bubble gun. The time after that, you re-evaluate your assessment to one in five. Then you just start seeing them all over the place, with no apparent source, and you decide it is just part of the magic of Disneyland.

2) Speaking of which: no matter what channel you've been watching when you turn the TV off, it's on the Disney channel when you turn it on again.

3) You can get married at Disneyland. Probably expensive. But true.

4) You can also bring in your own food and drink. They do check your bags at the gate, but not for consumables. I was surprised by that.

5) The Jungle Cruise is exactly no fun. Or at least, the amount of fun derived from it divided by the amount of time waiting in line equals such a small number it might as well be zero.

6) I truly hate roller coasters.

7) Oh my gosh, the humidity. I'm from a desert, okay? Can't handle it.

8) Which means that you end up completely gross by the end of the day. Let comfort and temperature be your clothing guides-just shove style right out the window.

9) Wear ALL the sunscreen. Especially if, like me, you inherited the sensitive alabaster skin of your redheaded maternal grandmother. Carry it with you. Apply often.

10) Buy a couple of magazines if, like me, you are incapable of taking a bath without reading material. (I brought my Nook with me, but I decided not to use that in the bath.) And you will want a nice soak in the bath, because...

11) So. Much. WALKING. And also a lot of standing, which for me was worse than the walking. Get really good shoes.

12) Waiting in line is the worst. Get fast passes every time you can. They are the bomb. Yes, even the bomb diggity.

13) About 95% of the people you meet are completely delightful. So, so nice. The lady at the rental car place, most of the hotel staff, all the Disneyland cast members, almost everybody we stood next to or rode the train with.

14) The other 5% are deplorable human beings. They know who they are.

15) If you are a fireworks person (or even, like me, you're not), you must see them the way they are meant to be seen: at Disneyland. Seriously. They're amazing.

Overall, it was a fantastic, wonderful, magical trip. If you haven't been recently (or ever): go. Go now. It's totally worth it.

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