Being a voracious reader means that you frequently get asked what you're reading. (Never more true than when you have embarked on a mammoth reading project, by the way.) And when the answer to that question is "A book about crossword puzzles", you are bound to get, at the very least, some odd looks.
But I'm used to that and carry blithely on. When I was in my early twenties, I used to do the crossword in the paper with some friends, and since then it's a hobby I dabble in. I found this book in a bargain section of a different bookstore, and this subtitle says it all: "The history and lore of the world's most popular pasttime." Compiled mostly of quotes from interviews of crossword luminaries, it can get tedious, but still a worthwhile read for anyone who has ever wondered about the history and construction of word puzzles. It even has some puzzles in the back to solve.
Author: Coral Amende
Potentially objectionable content: Unless you have REALLY strong views about crosswords, I doubt you'd be upset by anything here
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