Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Book #5 (or: Non-Alphabetical Interlude): "Graduates in Wonderland"

One of the best things about working in a bookstore is Advance Reader Copies. For the uninitiated, these are exactly what they sound like: soon-to-be-published books sent out to generate buzz (and sales, of course). Over the last three years and nine months, I have picked up many of these things because they looked interesting, and they are largely responsible for the growth my library experienced while it was still boxed up.

When I started this project, I knew I would acquire more books, and I decided that I would fit them in thusly: if I'd not yet reached that point alphabetically, it would get shelved for future reading; if I'd already passed it, I'd read it immediately. And since I'm still on Adams, that meant everything so far has been shelved. (Yes, everything, meaning...maybe eight or nine new ones? I'm an addict. Sue me.)

That is until I a) misplaced my current book (found it in my laundry basket, of all places) and 2) picked up this one and became fascinated. Two recent Brown graduates vow to stay in touch with weekly emails as their journeys take them through jobs, graduate school and love in several different countries. Their exchange is funny, EXTREMELY frank and occasionally profound, and I loved it. Totally worth breaking my own rules for!

Authors: Jessica Pan and Rachel Kapelke-Dale

Potentially objectionable content: Uh...lots and lots. Seriously. Language, sex, etc.

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