Monday, January 17, 2022

Book #93: "The Book of Myths and Misconceptions"


This one I actually found more interesting, because knowledge is a very collective thing (ask any kid who thought Washington chopped down a cherry tree or that there were only three Wise Men.) But the topics in this book are varied and wide-reaching, and anyone would find something to learn here.

Author: Armchair Digest

Potentially objectionable content: Some myths are probably not suitable for children.

Book #92: "The Extraordinary Book of Lists"

Much like the first book by this group/company, I don't remember anything about this really. In this instance, as indicated by the title, all the information is grouped in lists, and a fair portion of the lists are locations of things. So if you've ever wanted to plan a vacation based entirely on roller coasters, or food, this is your book!

Author: Armchair Digest

Potentially objectionable content: no more than the last book.


Book #91: "The Extraordinary Book of Information"


I read this book MONTHS ago and honestly don't remember much about it, but I always enjoy trivia, so it was a good time.

Author: Armchair Digest

Potentially objectionable content: Not unless you object to encyclopedias or looking things up on the internet; the stuff is probably there, but it's presented in a matter-of-fact way.